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This project is funded by the Labour Program of the Government of Canada.

"Humanizing trade" through trade agreements ?

7 mars 2008, par Gouvernance Globale du Travail (GGT)

GLG Project sponsors an on-line discussion on how governments can and
should use trade agreements to promote labour rights abroad, while
maintaining standards at home. We invite you now to participate in the

 Are trade agreements an effective tool to promote labor rights ?

 Are the many approaches to trade agreements sending confusing
signals to developing country policymakers about how to promote labour
rights and which labour rights are important ?

 Do we need to find a uniform approach ? Is such a uniform approach
possible, given the unique political circumstances of each country and
constraints that limit international cooperation in this domain ?

Susan Ariel Aaronson (George Washington University) and Michèle Rioux
(Université du Québec à Montréal), the moderators of this debate, look
forward to your comments.

To answer these questions and participate in the debate, use the link below. To comment on a partcipant answer, use the "Reply to this message" link located at the bottom of his answer.

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Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)    Institut d'études internationales de Montréal (IEIM)    Centre d'études sur l'intégration et la mondialisation (CEIM)    CANADA    Ressources humaines et Développement social Canada    Conseil des relations internationales de Montréal (CORIM)