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Humanizing Trade

International Conference

Took place April 7-8 2008 at Hotel Omni (1050 Sherbrooke Street West), Montreal, par Gouvernance Globale du Travail (GGT)

See Humanizing Trade policy recommendations from S. Aaronson and M. Rioux (PDF - 175 ko)

Presse review

 Think Tank Analysis : Striking a Proper Match ? Michele Rioux & Susan Ariel Aaronson : Strategies to Link Trade Agreements and Real Labor Rights Improvements, May 23 2008
 Canada and the EU : From Transatlantic Economic Dialogue to Monologue, June 10 2008

Virtual Roundtables

The Global Labour Governance Virtual Roundtables will open and feed the debate, as will set the ground for the « Humanizing Trade » International Conference

This Conference is organized by the CEIM (Centre d’études sur l’intégration et la mondialisation), a unit of the Institut d’Études Internationales de Montréal.

In the light of recent Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) integrating strong provisions related to labour standards, the conference will concentrate on how these FTAs, as instruments to protect workers rights in the context of globalization, are formulated by the different countries, how they can converge internationally and how they can be improved in the future in order to become more efficient instrument of social progress.

The conference organizers have invited eminent scholars, trade negotiators, government officials, representatives of international organizations, enterprises and trade unions. Among participants to this conference, we find :

 Susan Aaronson, George Washington University
 Regina Abrami, Harvard Business School
 Ilan Bizberg, Colegio de México
 Adelle Blackett, McGill University
 Dorval Brunelle, UQAM
 Stan Byers, Global Fairness Initiative
 Juan Carlos Bossio, GLG Project
 David Cingranelli, Binghamton University
 Christian Deblock, UQAM
 Jean-Jacques Elmiger, Gouvernement de la Suisse
 Richard Feinberg, University of California, San Diego
 Michael Hobby, Government of New Zealand
 James Howard, International Trade Union Confederation
 Jonathan Jacoby, Center for American Progress
 Ditte Juul Joergensen, European Commission
 Lewis Karesh, Office of the US Trade Representative
 Kevin Kolben, Rutgers University
 Bernard Landry, Former Premier of Québec
 Thea Lee, AFL-CIO
 Jacques Létourneau, Confédération des syndicats nationaux
 Mark Levinson, UNITE-HERE
 Stephanie Luce, University of Massachusetts
 Dalil Maschino, Government of Québec
 Errol Mendes, University of Ottawa
 Kevin Middlebrook, Institute for the Study of the Americas, University of London
 Gregor Murray, Université de Montréal
 Robert O’Brien, McMaster University
 Sylvia Ostry, University of Toronto
 Joost Pauwelyn
 Philippe Pochet, European Trade Union Institute
 Armand Pereira, International Labour Organization
 Carol Pier, Human Rights Watch
 Claude Rioux
 Michèle Rioux, UQAM
 Maryse Robert, Organization of American States
 Howard Rosen, Peterson Institute
 Richard Samans, World Economic Forum
 Scott B. Martin
 Gregory Schoepfle, US Department of Labor
 Thoralf Stenvold, Government of Norway
 Bill Taylor, City University of Hong Kong
 Gilles Trudeau, Université de Montréal
 Joao Paulo Vega, University of Sao Paulo
 Pierre Verge, Université Laval
 Marley Weiss, Maryland School of Law
 Ann Weston, North-South Institute
 Guy Zounguere, Government of the Central African Republic

WHEN : April 7-8 2008.

WHERE : Hotel Omni, 1050 Sherbrooke Street West, Montreal

INSCRIPTION : tessier.lyne@uqam.ca

INFORMATION : (514) 987-3667 or tessier.lyne@uqam.ca

  • Government of Canada
  • Centre d'études sur l'intégration et la mondialisation (CEIM)
  • Institut d'études internationales de Montréal (IEIM)
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