First Global Labour Governance Virtual Roundtable (GLG-VRT) participation
Four well-known international specialists contributed to the first Virtual Roundtable with very insightful responses. In this respect, the Project would like to thank Brian Langille (Professor of Law, University of Toronto), Harry Arthurs (President Emeritus, Professor of Law and Political Science, Osgoode Hall Law School), Lance Compa (Senior Lecturer, Cornell University’s School of Industrial and Labor Relations) and Alan Hyde (Professor of Law, Cornell University/Rutgers University) for their collaboration in the realization of this first GLG-VRT.
Summary of the VRT
In his response, Brian Langille considers Roach is on to something when he predicts a shift from labour exercising market power to exercising political power. He stated that Roach’s argument rests on the idea that law matters and can improve the deal that labour gets. He then asked the question : is the "increasingly powerful global arbitrage" that affects direct negotiations also true in the case of labour laws ? This is the point made in the "race to the bottom"/"social dumping" analysis which views labour law as a "tax" on production which mobile capital will seek to avoid. In this light, Langille then went on to ask : "isn’t the move from the bargaining table to the legislature just a move from the frying pan to the fire ?" His answer was "no", and for two reasons. Read the complete summary of the January-February Virtual Roundtable online.
The full versions of the contributions are still available on our website. You are invited to take part in the new Virtual Roundtable debate, whose theme is presented below.
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New Virtual Roundtable : "Making the Global Labour Governance Constellation Work"
As a follow-up to the roundtables held on 29 and 30 March in Montreal, Michèle Rioux would like to set forth a series of recommendations aimed at making GLG more coherent and effective.
These recommendations are based on the discussions held in March and the proposals put forward at that time. The Virtual Roundtable (VRT) participants are invited to comment on these recommendations in view of drafting an official document – GLG Project Recommendations on Global Labour Governance – which we hope to be able to do at the conclusion of this second VRT.
A final version of the document will be presented to the VRT participants. They will then be asked to notify us of their agreement to endorse these recommendations.
Read the recommendations and participate in the debate
New articles online in the GLG Directory
The Global Labour Governance Directory is taking shape. Several sections of the website have been created in recent months, and we would like to thank the many participants who have added to the Directory by sending us articles and texts.
You are invited to consult the new articles in the Analyses and Reports and Trade-Labour Initiatives sections (available in French only).
If you would like to add a new article to the Directory, propose changes to an existing article or submit texts in relation to a specific topic, please use our online form.
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Fell free to contact Danielle Lavoie, project manager, for information regarding GLG Project, its Repertoire, Virtual Rountable and other activities.
© Centre Études internationales et mondialisation – GLG Project
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