Roundtables on Global Labour Governance
Labour and Globalization. Through a new dialogue and a new institutional architecture
Montréal, Salon Orange, Centre Pierre-Péladeau
March 29th and 30th, 2007
Dorval Brunelle, UQAM • Pierre Bouchard, Programme du travail, RHDSC • Brian Burkett, Heenan Blaikie • Emmanuelle Champion, UQAM • John Graig, Heenan Blaikie (to be confirmed) • Christian Deblock, UQAM • Daniel Drache, York University • James Galbraith, University of Texas at Austin • Alan Hyde, Cornell University/Rutgers University • Pablo Lazo, Direction générale des relations économiques, Ministère des Affaires étrangères, Chili • Scott Martin, Columbia University & The New School • Dalil Maschino, Ministère du travail du Québec • François Meloche, Groupe Investissement responsable • Yalina Molina Blandon, UQAM • Francine Néméh, Centre international de solidarité ouvrière • Sandra Polaski, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace • Michèle Rioux, UQAM
Three types of initiatives : centered on the controversial trade-labor links ; international initiatives centered of international organizations ; and transnational initiatives from the private sector and civil society are building what we can call a “Global Labor Governance”. Ultimately, the various forms of labor governance should be integrated into a network of rules and standards that ensures coherence, cross-fertilization and the leveling up of labor standards having effective impacts on working conditions and labor norms in an increasingly integrated world economy. However, since labor governance mechanisms are numerous and varied, the challenge resides in developing an integrated, coherent and efficient LGG.
Two days of Roundtables organized by the CEIM’s LGG project, in March 2007, will be an occasion to discuss some of recent evolutions in terms of the LGG’s key instruments and their potential impacts on the application of labor standards and working conditions.
The program and articles from our participants are available below (PDF Format).
To get extra information or to register to the event, get in touch with Danielle Lavoie.