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Human Resources and Social Development Canada (formerly Human Resources and Skills Development Canada)

The Department of Human Resources and Social Development is responsible for providing all Canadians with the tools they need to thrive and prosper in the workplace and community. They support human capital development, labour market development and are dedicated to establishing a culture of lifelong learning for Canadians.

Inter-University Research Centre on Globalization and Work (CRIMT)

The Inter-University Research Centre on Globalization and Work (CRIMT, or le Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur la mondialisation et le travail) is a Canadian-based inter-university research centre on the theoretical and practical challenges of institutional renewal for work and employment in a global era.

Centre d’études sur l’intégration et la mondialisation RSS feed

The Centre d’études sur l’intégration et la mondialisation (CEIM) is an center of research studying, in a cross-disciplinary perspective, the current transformations in the fields of international law and politics, international economy, security and foreign policy in the context of globalization.

Institut d’études internationales de Montréal (IEIM) RSS feed

L’Institut d’études internationales de Montréal (IEIM) a été fondé en 2002. Il regroupe et coordonne les activités de recherche, d’enseignement et de formation ainsi que de diffusion du savoir dans le domaine des études internationales de l’UQAM, l’IEIM a une vocation et une orientation interdisciplinaires et interuniversitaires. Le CEIM fait parti des unités constituantes de l’IEIM.

Revue Interventions économiques / Papers in Political Economy RSS feed

The journal Interventions économiques / Papers in Political Economy is a refereed journal interested in theoretical debates as well as in research results or debates in political economy or socio-economics, as well as analysis of the evolution of society and economies.

Revue Interventions économiques / Papers in Political Economy is a member of is the web platform for journals and book collections in the humanities and social sciences.

Global Labour Journal RSS feed

Global Labour Journal, is an open access, fully peer reviewed online journal launched in January 2010. It serves as a forum to capture the plentiful and diverse scholarly work emerging on labour activities worldwide and highlight the ways that labour activities are increasingly shaped by global forces. We accept submissions from a wide variety of disciplines.

You wish to take part to Labour Global Governance Project either by contributing to our Repertoire and our Virtual Roundtable or by attending our seminaries ? Get in touch with us !
Gouvernance Globale du Travail (GGT) ggt Plan du site Haut Haut
Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)    Institut d'études internationales de Montréal (IEIM)    Centre d'études sur l'intégration et la mondialisation (CEIM)    CANADA    Ressources humaines et Développement social Canada    Conseil des relations internationales de Montréal (CORIM)