In 2008, "Humanizing Trade I" explored connections between trade and the promotion of workers’ rights by comparing and analyzing bilateral trade agreements that integrated labour provisions. The following year, the "Humanizing Trade II" discussed trajectories that can lead to a multilateral trade-labour governance scheme. The Humanizing Trade III will take place on March 15th 2010 to discuss the evolution of trade-labour linkages in trade agreements in the post financial crisis context. This conference will also be an occasion to officially launch Global Labour Governance Network, created by its lead organization, the CEIM, following Humanizing II. The workshop also aim to discuss the general orientations of the network.
Conference : Trade-Labour Linkages
Discontent is growing about the fact that globalization, growth and productivity gains have not
translated into higher employment levels, better wages and working conditions. There is a link, not always positive, between trade and employment. For harmonious trading relations and the good functioning of the global economic system to take place, the avoidance of unemployment and the respect of high labor standards are necessary conditions. The governance gap between mechanisms that favor economic globalization and those aiming to protect and improve workers’ rights and living conditions must be bridged, especially in the context of the current economic crisis and rising protectionist threats.
Part 1 : 15:00 – 16:45 – Trade Labour Linkage and effectiveness
– Stephanie Luce, City University of New York, Trade Agreements and Labor Standards : The Impact of Trade Negotiations on Country Adoption of Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining
– Marley Weiss, University of Maryland, Creating Equitable and Effective Trade-Labour Linkages : Analysis, Synthesis, and Innovative Approaches
– Kevin Banks, Queen’s University, Trade, Labor and International Governance – An Inquiry into the Potential Effectiveness of the New International Labor Law
– Howard J. Rosen, Peterson Institute for International Economics, Trade-Labour Linkages in the Context of Recovering Economies
– Errol Mendes, U. of Ottawa, Harmonization of Bilateral Trade and Labour Agreements at the WTO through the Trade Policy Review Mechanism
Part 2 : 16:45 – 18:00 – Trade Labour Linkage and beyond
– Denis Rey, University of Tampa, An Electoral Rules Analysis of how Labor Unions Influence Trade Policy : A Comparative Study of 18 OECD Countries
– Dimitris Stevis, Colorado State University, Globalizing or Escaping European Social Dialogue ? Lessons from International Framework Agreements
– Robert O’Brien, McMaster University, Western Labour Internationalism, Labour Standards and TNC Regulation
– Ting-Sheng Lin, UQAM, Towards More Flexibility : Liberalization and Job Insecurity in China
Official Lauching of the GLGN
What : International workshop « Humanizing trade III »
Where : Room SU-1550, UQAM (100, Sherbrooke West), Montreal, Place-des-arts subway station
When : Tuesday, March 15th, 2011, 15h to 19h30
Free admission
For more informations :
Valérie Fournier-L’Heureux
Research coordinator, CEIM
514 987-3000 ext. 3910