Dorval Brunelle is professor in the Department of Sociology in the Université du Québec A Montréal. Since 2004, he is director of the Observatory of America tied at the Research Center of Internationals studies and Globalisation. He is an expert in Economy Policy and The American Integration.
Spécialités/Expertise :
– Économie politique
– Intégration des Amériques
Références/references :
– Dorval, Brunelle. From World Order to Global Disorder : States, Markets, and Dissent (UBC Press2007)
– Dorval, Brunelle, co-author of Global Democracy and the World Social Forums (Paradigm Publishers edition 2007)
– Dorval Brunelle, co-author with Deblock Christian, L’ALENA : le libre-échange en défaut (éditions Fides 2004)